For almost five years now, Kyoo has been one of the flagship products of Leisue – which is one of the best digital transformation providers for SME and enterprises in the Philippines and across Southeast Asia. It has been continuously delivering consistent and excellent service in terms of providing the best queueing management solution in […]
Recent Posts
Amplifying Customer Centricity in the Queueing Industry
As technology continues to transform and innovate, sales service will always be a different game than it used to be. Endless new methodologies will continue to rise, and customers will expect for a new experience playbook all the way forward. Customers will always be the core of any business. They will be one of the […]
Digitalization without losing Personalization
With the on-going advancements in different industries today, clients’ expectations may continuously increase. The exciting promises of digitalization have already started due to the advancements in technology, data gathering, product offerings and analytics. These will soon allow marketers and customers to experience a different kind of experiences across channels, moments, and engagement stages. This is […]
Queueing Systems in PH: What to Look Forward this 2022
Queueing systems have come a long way – from simple physical barriers before to high-quality digital queueing applications today. With the ever-changing market situation and trends, consumers’ preferences are also changing and evolving. Some may have encountered negative experiences when queueing for how many hours while some prefer to schedule an errand for another time […]
4 Ways to Improve Christmas Retail Queueing Experience
1. Make sure to have enough staff to cope with the increase in shoppers. The influx of Christmas shoppers to a store also entails a greater number of staff available. It may seem simple, but it’s crucial to manage the long queues at peak Christmas shopping times. Most people are excited to shop from different […]
5 Strategies to Improve Customer Flow and the Efficiency of Your Line
Everyone can appreciate a smooth business transaction, a good service experience, and short waiting times without any inefficiencies or unreliable practices. In an ideal world, people prefer that there would be no waiting lines, but that’s just not realistic. However, you can take action to make queues shorter and more productive to help clients and […]
8 Benefits of Queue Management System
A virtual queue management system provides assistance and a better overall experience for customers as it places customers and partners in a virtual waiting line or queue, and they don’t have to physically wait in line to get a service or finish a transaction. However, that’s just one part of what can be accomplished; there are a […]
Redefining Queueing Experience
As the environment changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation, businesses and organizations need to adapt to the new normal. Established business practices were overruled by government guidance, policies, and regulations; and these major changes had fundamental impacts on organizational culture and practices, business operations, and customer experiences. For service providers who remain open, […]
Easy Come, Easy Queue
With the new normal environment today, businesses must primarily prioritize the health and safety of their employees
6 Business Industries that need Queueing Management Solutions
Business industries today concentrate not only on keeping their brands but also on achieving maximum safety & the well-being of their staff and customers. Pre-pandemic, customers were already reluctant to stand in line for long periods of time which results in queue abandonment. Apart from business losses, it increases customer dissatisfaction. Now that the pandemic […]